• Classic Tobacco E-LIquid (10 ml)

Rich and smoky, full bodied and bold: our Classic Tobacco DuraSmoke® eLiquid isn't something to take lightly. Crafted through more than a dozen variations, you can be sure that you're going to get the absolute best flavor from this time-tested favorite. Our Tobacco DuraSmoke® eLiquid is most like a fresh pipe tobacco: free of adulterants and focused entirely on the natural taste that so many Americans have grown to love.

Available in 50/50  PG/VG and 0 mg (0%), 12 mg (1.2%), 18 mg (1.8%) nicotine/ml for Halo Triton device. Available in 0/100 PG/VG (Max VG) and 0 mg (0%), 3 mg (0.3%), and 6 mg (0.6%) nicotine/ml for Joyetech eGo AIO device.

Classic Tobacco E-LIquid (10 ml)

  • Product Code: 1
  • Availability: In Stock

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